Wednesday, September 14, 2005

this blog is like officially dead. i am attempting to revive my blog and it is now at

if anyone still visits this blog, which i really doubt haha, then ya, link me there. thanks! =)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

i'm so stressed. i can't stand it argh... so many things so little time. finally i really understand the meaning of that phrase. man... and stupid sue wants us to pass up the econs essay by tmw. i mean like, i have no time!! thank God for friends and Amanda, if not for them i would have like died by now already man. sigh the most ironic thing is.. i'm putting this down in a BLOG. when i was in the opp for 'THBT the blog will replace the personal diary'. but i'm still just venting here. why? cos i dun have a diary haha. i could write in gek piao's journal but oh well, maybe i'll do that afterwards. i wish i had more time.

quote of the day: 'Do you carry a laptop everywhere you go?'

Thursday, July 21, 2005

oh man! cheej and eud are no longer cheej and eud... why why why... wad is the world coming to??

Friday, July 01, 2005


that's the only word that i can think of now. cos of soccer training. ack man i'm so unfit, haven't trained for two months and to suddenly dive straight into a two hour game, haha not good. man after like one hour fifteen minutes i was just cramping every five metres i ran, or every ball i kicked. it was like... ARGH!!! never had so many million cramps in such a short space of time! me poor calves...

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I’m back! Haha after like ten eons of not blogging =p the exams are over!!! Oh finally. Haha lit was ok I guess, but let’s not talk abt exams yes =)

Went to watch Batman today with Amanda, man wad a good show! Haha I wouldn’t mind watching it again, but then again there’s war of the world’s just waiting to be watched haha. Man I love batman’s suit la! So cool.. and his tumbler. Haha, wad a name for a batmobile, tumbler. Like some water tumbler =p

Bumped into so many people today!!! First, coming out of somerset mrt, saw jeevan kim and su with their temasek ppl haha. Then after that met qinxin at the box office of cine. Then met jeevan and gang AGAIN at the box office haha. And lo and behold, when I went into the cinema, saiful came in too! With all his vj friends, haha I was like ‘saiful!’ and he was like ‘hey!’ haha so coincidental man. Then after the movie we chatted a bit in the cinema and his friend was like ‘wa reunion here eh haha’ =p then after I came out, went to the taka mango and…. Met my class!! Aiyo.. haha liting az ven suq.. so weird man. At first only saw az, then suddenly Vanessa appeared out of nowhere =p then walk walk walk.. walk to wheelock place, where I bumped into jean sharon and serene! Man Singapore is too small la, everywhere I go will bump into someone I know =p

Oh and my sister forced me to say this, so I love my sister. Haha.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

man i'm sick. as in really sick. i'm taking antibiotics now and well it doesn't seem to be really working cos i still feel so ugh. man can't go to children's camp and help out.. feel so dumb everyday at home just feeling so lousy... can't go for lectures also. sigh... pray that i'll get well soon!! esp before the ltc, man i really dun wanna miss that. haha some more my team in charge of a very interesting segment, but i'm under oath not to tell or leak out info. haha we all sweared on our A level grades =p that mr chua very smart la.... make us swear that we will not reveal on our A level grades. k la, shall update another time, meanwhile i shall go back to feeling lousy. toodles.

Friday, May 27, 2005

The past few days have been not bad, not bad at all. On Wednesday, it was the ‘A’ division finals for soccer, and we were against vj, the obvious favourites to win again la. Haha before the finals it was the ‘B’ div finals, Siglap and AI. Since we were sitting at the Siglap side we started cheering for Siglap, haha quite funny you see the mj ppl cheering louder for the Siglap players than the ‘Siglapians’ were cheering =p haha of course Siglap won la, since we were cheering for them =p

Then our final started. But stupid siglap students refused to move so we like missed the first five minutes of the match moving into our area. Bleah. But it was a good match! And we really showed vj we meant business right from the start. Man the match was exciting! First half: 0-0 About the 80th minute, Zul tackles a defender and…. GOAL!!! Man the mj side of the stadium erupted! Haha we were almost there! The championship was ours!! But no, stupid referee, most kayu ref ever, decided to give vj a penalty cos he tripped in the penalty box -_- stupid… that made it 1-1. extra time. Nothing. So for like the millionth time this week, a cup final was decided by penalty shootout.

0 X haha stupid vj missed!!! He beckham-ed it =p
X ……. It was up to Kurn to take the deciding penalty, will we win it? But the keeper saved it!! Argh!!!! Why was this happening??!!! Will the title be snatched away so cruelly after being so close?? So it went into sudden death.

0!!!!! Hahhaah loser!!! Another idiot went to do the exact same thing and balloon his shot over the bar!!! The crowd goes wild and we all start celebrating until we realize that we have yet to take our penalty =p suddenly the stadium’s so quiet that you can hear a pin drop. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife……. GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was that!! We were the champions!!! Why are we so pro!!! Hahahaa after that saiful was too devastated to meet us =p k la partly he also had tsd, but ya, he was very sad, poor thing.

Andrew said that their principal promised them half day off cos he was so confident they would win, haha guess wad, I’m now typing this on my FULL day off =D

Haha that was on wed. on Thursday, I went to watch Camelot, this acjc drama production. Man the tickets were ex! Haha, but yea it was quite a good show la =) nice to see old friends again, and haha yijun and bala were just hilarious! Haha not that they were supposed to be, it’s just seeing them act, and looking so goofy, hahaha prashanth was practically rolling out of his seat =p before the show, was just walking around the skool with cheej and jeff, man it really brought back old memories, haha then we saw the sec 1 scouts having some camp thingy, and they were eating at the… oh man wad’s that place called again.. oh ya the amphitheatre haha =p and we like like ‘chicken rice!!! Gimme gimme haha’ then we started shouting random commands and stuff and they must have thought we were mad or sth haha =p wanted to go find teachers but the staff rm was closed. Hmph. Well at least I saw mr c, caught up with him, haha just talked abt old times la =)
Haha k la this one very long already, buhbye =)