Monday, April 25, 2005

Man I suck. i’m like the most gullible guy la haha. Stupid Andrew and loko. Oh well. Haha man I wish we could all be in the same class again!! Sigh that day in swenson’s was just so nice, seeing andrew and saiful again, just reliving all the stupid stuff we used to do as 05A104. man, those Thursdays after audi’s lessons and haha, a certain vs boy who’s now in ac =p oh ya, whoever wants the photos, tag me or msg me or sth la ya =) haha k, back to doing work now. bye

Monday, April 18, 2005

haha the world is so super super small! go read andrew's tagboard for details, too lazy to type it all out here haha. oh and thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday and gave me stuff! =D

Sunday, April 10, 2005

oh man!!!!! i really really really hate it when that happens!!! i just typed one nice entry, then did the ctrl-c to copy, but it just deleted everything!!! i can't believe it!!! man this sucks. oh well. the gist of the entry...

gd job today dear!! haha although both of u were quite stun at the 'there's a call going out across the land' part, haha quite funny, then everyone was like dunno wad to do, but oh well, haha gd job on the whole ya? =)

and david's leaving. coming back in 9 months. that's christmas. hmm. hope he cooks something nice for us haha. oh and he's staying with elsie's uncle or sth first which is quite weird haha. i can't really imagine me staying with amanda's auntie or uncle whom i dun even know when i go overseas for watever reason. BY MYSELF. it's so weird man.

and... i pray that my timetable will be decent. maybe like the one i had for 1st three months. tho now with pw and all, the hours are definitely gonna be longer. haha there go the bridge groups =p

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Friday, April 01, 2005

yo! haha went to watch the spongebob squarepants movie with amanda yesterday, man, it was such a waste of money! haha the story was so stupid, and it wasn't really funny at all man. oh well at least still got to spend time with her la =) haha after that walked ard a bit in carrefour, looking at all sorts of nice food haha.

did u guys read today's life comics section?! it is so so weird! the foxtrot and get fuzzy comics are almost exact copies of each other, and they're both abt ouija boards, it's very unnerving. maybe the two cartoonists called each other up at night and decided to pull an april fool's prank on the whole world or sth haha...

talking abt april fool's pranks, haha we pranked jeevan today. cos he didn't have euodia's number, so we used her number to prank her, and we pretended he had a stalker. all was going well until somebody told him, not knowing that we were pranking him, that it was e's number. oh well. it was fun while it lasted la haha. man lecture week is very slack, cos they're going through wad they did in first three months, so lectures like lit lectures are optional. haha so like the whole of mjc has become a gambling den of sorts =p people are playing bridge, taiti, oh and a new favourite among the j1s, stress. haha suddenly everyone's playing it, it's so dumb man =p haha then today i played 4 player stress, it really is stressful =p

tmw we're going to marina to erm, fly kite. haha. no la not just that, also other stuff like frisbee la. it's gonna be fun =)