Thursday, July 28, 2005

i'm so stressed. i can't stand it argh... so many things so little time. finally i really understand the meaning of that phrase. man... and stupid sue wants us to pass up the econs essay by tmw. i mean like, i have no time!! thank God for friends and Amanda, if not for them i would have like died by now already man. sigh the most ironic thing is.. i'm putting this down in a BLOG. when i was in the opp for 'THBT the blog will replace the personal diary'. but i'm still just venting here. why? cos i dun have a diary haha. i could write in gek piao's journal but oh well, maybe i'll do that afterwards. i wish i had more time.

quote of the day: 'Do you carry a laptop everywhere you go?'

Thursday, July 21, 2005

oh man! cheej and eud are no longer cheej and eud... why why why... wad is the world coming to??

Friday, July 01, 2005


that's the only word that i can think of now. cos of soccer training. ack man i'm so unfit, haven't trained for two months and to suddenly dive straight into a two hour game, haha not good. man after like one hour fifteen minutes i was just cramping every five metres i ran, or every ball i kicked. it was like... ARGH!!! never had so many million cramps in such a short space of time! me poor calves...