Wednesday, March 09, 2005

you insolent fool!

firstly, many thanks to my dear sister for helping me with the blog layout, haha k la this shall be considered 'payment' for all the times i helped you with maths =p oh and yes please get the flooble chatterbox fastly, thank you very much haha.

haha k, this is a bit late, but KING LEAR rocked!! haha thanks 05A104 for the good times man =) i think we did pretty well, hopefully we can get a good grade for it. jeevan was great as king lear, many people said he was really convincing. haha and the argument scene with me, erm think it was alex(is) or someone who said could have been angrier, but it's ok la, on the whole it was, LOUD. haha although he stole many people's lines (no dowry, no marriage =p), nobody really noticed la, so yea, good covering up. hmmm tmw's the second last day we'll have together as a class, gonna really miss the good times we had together as a class. even though some of us may be going our seperate ways, remember to keep in touch yea? =)


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