Saturday, March 12, 2005


yesterday was the last day of term 1, last day of 05A104!! so sad... man i'm really gonna miss you guys.

jeevan, being the stupid guy he is, insisted on taking pictures with fernn beside plants and with ferns in his hair -_- haha so stupid man.

haha jeevan, saiful, silas, suq and i did the stupid visitor pass m'sian idol thingy at the atrium, in front of like half the school man! hahaha had so much fun doing it, and i dun think we really cared that we looked like such fools in front of everyone haha =p thanks guys for being so sporty ΓΌ oh and az, i want the video!! heh, then can watch the real one and the one we did at the same time haha.

after embarrassing ourselves, we went bowling at downtown east. haha i scored my all-time high of 129, which isn't very high, but i still won, which just goes to show the standard of bowling in our class la haha. but it's not about bowling, it's about the fun we had yea? =) haha andrew was being a nice guy, letting all the girls use his turn to bowl.

mj won tpjc 2-0 in a friendly, i didn't play, but fabio said he will organise a game for us poor j1s to see how good we are, hopefully i'll make a good impression la. man the game was so... MUDDY. the rain was like stop start stop start, and in the end the ball just kept getting stuck in the various pools of muddy water on the pitch.

hmmm class outing somewhere in the hols, wondering where we will be going... bird park? night safari? haha


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