Tuesday, March 15, 2005

near-death experiences and swedish meatballs

ok first, update on my 2 near-death experiences yesterday.k, on the way back from soccer practice on the bus on tpe, i was almost involved in a taxi-truck-bus accident!! cos the stupid taxi in front suddenly stopped or sth, so the truck in front of my bus jammed braked, and the bus almost crashed head on into the truck!!! =s man like everyone in the bus suddenly stopped what they were doing and just looked straight foward... k that was near-death experience no. 1.

near-death experience no.2!! k while crossing the road after alighting from the bus, i almost got knocked down! cos i was at the traffic light, and the green man just came on, so the traffic light just turned red for the cars la. but this stupid stupid lorry, just like FLEW PAST inches from me man!! if not for my super power reflexes, i probably would have been drowning in my own pool of blood on the road or sth man... hmm is God trying to tell me sth?? =s

haha k that was yesterday. today, it was ikea/queensway outing day with amanda =) haha had nice nice swedish meatballs at ikea =) it was fun just walking ard and me looking at all the wrong stuff like the imacs and the fake computers =p haha then queensway, just walking ard, trying to find amanda's shoe, haha then the dumb dumb shopowner probably quoting the wrong price cos it was like $40 below what every other shop was offering =p haha but good for her la =p man i wish the total90 boots were cheaper, they're so nice... the made in italy ones, so nice and light... i want!!!

hmmm soccer practice again tmw, and my back's still aching from dunno what... i think either pushups or chinups. sigh... oh well hope it will be better by tmw la, cos fabio really knows how to work us. not that i'm complaining, he's good, probably knows what's best for us la. my tag board is dead... pls tag ppl. hmm do ppl even read this. bleah.


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