Saturday, March 26, 2005

good friday yesterday, went to play soccer/frisbee/touch rug at the field opp cat high with the yfers at 4. quite fun la, haha touch rug was really fun, almost 10 on 10, so the area of play was quite large so there was a lot of space to run. stupid daryl called me a 'ringworm', cos he said like a ringworm, i'm small but very potent -_- ahwells, dunno whether to take it as an insult or a compliment haha.

after all the sports, went for dinner with my family at moonfish, this restaurant at millenia walk which has seafood with pasta. i had softshell crab with linguini, not too bad la, just that the portions were horribly huge so i couldn't finish the whole meal, bleah. i think the softshell crab at thai express is better though, my sister agrees on that. after dinner we went over to suntec eng wah to watch miss congeniality 2. man the eng wah opening thingy is so so cheena and 90s!!! it's like, lyd and i saw it and just started groaning and complaining to one another haha =p it's really bad, if u frequent eng wah u should know wad i'm talkin abt la haha. the movie itself was not bad, if u enjoy those predictable plot types. the acting on the whole is not bad la, and some of the jokes are genuinely funny and entertaining.

oh haha kim was really funny. cos she got into tj but she wanted to appeal back to mj, so she went to appeal la. then on thursday morning she msged 'sorry guys. bad news.' so of course i thought she didn't succeed in appealing or sth la, so not coming to mj. but then, one hour later, she was like 'i'm coming to to irritate everybody! buahahaha =p' aiyo!! tsk tsk, anyhow go and trick us haha.

had yf today, was quite fun on the whole. we played games like one leg, and poison ball and the straw game. the straw game is vicious!! one guy must piggyback another guy, and the guy being piggybacked has a straw in his mouth. they will then go head to head with another duo doing the same thing, and the objective of the guy on top is to grab the other guy's straw. man it's really vicious, seeing all those hands going straight for the face. haha marvin kept falling off, really funny cos at the side amanda kept telling vanessa(her friend from ny) that the guy who kept falling off was their library vice-president haha =p ya but on the whole it was fun, and there was like quite healthy competition, not much jeering and stuff so that was good ü

came home for family dinner, my cousins from my dad's side came over for dinner. nothing much to say here, just that had nice ben & jerry's for dessert, haha yum.. fudge...

tmw amanda's getting reaffirmed, haha finally she can take holy communion with me =) after that have tuition, sigh. oh well at least that's a 'valid excuse' not to go for the hope jam thingy and allow elle to gain 1 cip hour from the tix hahaha =D

Thursday, March 24, 2005

05A104 with Dr S Posted by Hello

visitor pass! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

posting out today, mj arts, no surprise there =) but but! i got my og back! haha good =) cos everyone was like 'oh, they're gonna reshuffle the ogs, so there's a big chance we won't be in our original ogs'. but when i checked the board out, everyone was in their original og! ah, life is good =)

went out with my *sniff* former class. why must we part??!!! it's so... sad. we went to ps, then went to eat bk. suq and i wanted to have gelare, so we went up to dapao back to bk =p haha saw aaron aziz and desiree whatever-her-surname-is filming for sth. maybe it's like the next season of heartlanders or sth.

after that, went to x zone, or zone x, whatever =p haha we were like stuck there for most of the afternoon =p i think i'm addicted to ddr =p i know it's stupid, but it's addictive! haha and all the stupid techno =p oh and there's this stupid big drum game thingy, it's like some chinese drum thingy then must hit and hit, again, stupid but addictive =p oh, and you've never played daytona till you've played it with my class. with them, the aim is not just to finish first, but also to make sure u dun get killed by any other person haha, cos half the time they're just looking to push you against the side so that you crash.. esp andrew!!! hahaha once he tried to push me to push me against the wall but i think he was pushed by someone else then when he wanted to get back on the track, he went into the pit stop!! hahaha stupid then lost a lot of precious time =p

then poor fernn, got her bag stolen!! stupid ppl. then had to go starhub report lost phone, go police post and make a police report. then while waiting for her to make the report, jeevan, andrew, wilfred and i tried to teach az black magic, but she couldn't get it!! haha we tried giving ultra big hints like playing 'wilfred magic' and 'andrew magic' but she still couldn't get how it worked -_- also played stupid killing time games like 'i packed my bag with...'

man, really gonna miss my class.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

tmw may be the last day our class is ever together as a class. really gonna miss u guys. if only we didn't have to split up. gonna miss the pizza ordering, the really dumb thursdays after school, king lear, random visitor passes, visiting the zoo, walking aimlessly round town, all the dumb but fun stuff we did together =) take care guys, dun ever forget the times we had together. k most of you won't be able to relate to this but, THE BEST IS YET TO BE. heh.


Friday, March 18, 2005

four stupid faces Posted by Hello
hmm today was interesting. supposed to meet my class at 11 at city hall, haha but as usual, everyone was late so most ppl came only like at 12... and jeevan, you stupid boy, called me at like 1130 saying 'oh sorry just on the way to school to drop something off then on the way to city hall' -_- oh well, that's jeevan for ya =p

while waiting for the rest, andrew decided to go find some wax samples cos he felt his hair wasn't nice enough and he didn't want to buy a whole new bottle, haha so we were just walking ard robinson's looking for hair wax samples =p then alexis called saying she reached already, so we started walking back to the mrt stop, and on the way we saw body shop. so andrew went in and voila! he found hair wax samples! haha so stupid just went in, dipped fingers into the container, and then came out =p

after that we went to suntec, to the food and beverage fair thingy, and tried a few free samples here and there, and bought ROTIBOY!!! yum yum... haha best man. then stupid jeevan, cos he was late, got lost in some bridal boutique fair cos it was just one floor below the food fair =p and he was wearing this sleeveless t-shirt thingy, looking like some super beng. haha we spent like five minutes just teasing him about his t.

we couldn't decide where to go for lunch, then at last we decided to go to thai express in citylink, but when we got there, there was a queue, and we didn't want to queue, so we walked back to suntec. then we just walked round and round the circle area deciding where to go. finally we parked ourselves outside subway. there was this kiddy ride just outside subway, so andrew alexis and i just sat down on it and pretended it was our ride =p FINALLY, we went to eat at country manna. haha stupid jeevan, i think he's never eaten there before, he asked why his coffee had this cap on top of it and he touched it, and almost immediately a loud 'AAAHH!!!' could be heard. turns out it wasn't his coffee, it was loko's soup, and the 'cap' was the pastry which country manna always puts on top of the soup =p

after lunch, some of us went to do cip. went to sell the handphone strap thingy, if anyone wants, i have a few with me, it's $4 for 1 =D i went to holland v to do, 'ang-mos' are really extreme man. those that give, give like 2-4 dollars. those that dun, just brush you off like you're dirt.

haha after cip, we went for dinner at ps, at ljs. the spicy chicken thingy they're having on offer now is not bad. after dinner we went to the arcade!! haha it was so stupid, playing the stupid bishi bashi thingy game, and jeevan was like whack whack whack. actually all of us were la =p man the arcade was just so stupid, had so much fun with the 'friendly competition' with my fellow classmates =p

tmw i meet my former tuition mates, promises to be just as fun =p

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

near-death experiences and swedish meatballs

ok first, update on my 2 near-death experiences yesterday.k, on the way back from soccer practice on the bus on tpe, i was almost involved in a taxi-truck-bus accident!! cos the stupid taxi in front suddenly stopped or sth, so the truck in front of my bus jammed braked, and the bus almost crashed head on into the truck!!! =s man like everyone in the bus suddenly stopped what they were doing and just looked straight foward... k that was near-death experience no. 1.

near-death experience no.2!! k while crossing the road after alighting from the bus, i almost got knocked down! cos i was at the traffic light, and the green man just came on, so the traffic light just turned red for the cars la. but this stupid stupid lorry, just like FLEW PAST inches from me man!! if not for my super power reflexes, i probably would have been drowning in my own pool of blood on the road or sth man... hmm is God trying to tell me sth?? =s

haha k that was yesterday. today, it was ikea/queensway outing day with amanda =) haha had nice nice swedish meatballs at ikea =) it was fun just walking ard and me looking at all the wrong stuff like the imacs and the fake computers =p haha then queensway, just walking ard, trying to find amanda's shoe, haha then the dumb dumb shopowner probably quoting the wrong price cos it was like $40 below what every other shop was offering =p haha but good for her la =p man i wish the total90 boots were cheaper, they're so nice... the made in italy ones, so nice and light... i want!!!

hmmm soccer practice again tmw, and my back's still aching from dunno what... i think either pushups or chinups. sigh... oh well hope it will be better by tmw la, cos fabio really knows how to work us. not that i'm complaining, he's good, probably knows what's best for us la. my tag board is dead... pls tag ppl. hmm do ppl even read this. bleah.

Monday, March 14, 2005

hmmm i realise that the posting area is kinda transluscent, thus making the pictures look weird, i shall try to rectify that, or you all can just click on the pic to see a clearer version =p

05A104 goes bowling Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 12, 2005


yesterday was the last day of term 1, last day of 05A104!! so sad... man i'm really gonna miss you guys.

jeevan, being the stupid guy he is, insisted on taking pictures with fernn beside plants and with ferns in his hair -_- haha so stupid man.

haha jeevan, saiful, silas, suq and i did the stupid visitor pass m'sian idol thingy at the atrium, in front of like half the school man! hahaha had so much fun doing it, and i dun think we really cared that we looked like such fools in front of everyone haha =p thanks guys for being so sporty ü oh and az, i want the video!! heh, then can watch the real one and the one we did at the same time haha.

after embarrassing ourselves, we went bowling at downtown east. haha i scored my all-time high of 129, which isn't very high, but i still won, which just goes to show the standard of bowling in our class la haha. but it's not about bowling, it's about the fun we had yea? =) haha andrew was being a nice guy, letting all the girls use his turn to bowl.

mj won tpjc 2-0 in a friendly, i didn't play, but fabio said he will organise a game for us poor j1s to see how good we are, hopefully i'll make a good impression la. man the game was so... MUDDY. the rain was like stop start stop start, and in the end the ball just kept getting stuck in the various pools of muddy water on the pitch.

hmmm class outing somewhere in the hols, wondering where we will be going... bird park? night safari? haha

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

you insolent fool!

firstly, many thanks to my dear sister for helping me with the blog layout, haha k la this shall be considered 'payment' for all the times i helped you with maths =p oh and yes please get the flooble chatterbox fastly, thank you very much haha.

haha k, this is a bit late, but KING LEAR rocked!! haha thanks 05A104 for the good times man =) i think we did pretty well, hopefully we can get a good grade for it. jeevan was great as king lear, many people said he was really convincing. haha and the argument scene with me, erm think it was alex(is) or someone who said could have been angrier, but it's ok la, on the whole it was, LOUD. haha although he stole many people's lines (no dowry, no marriage =p), nobody really noticed la, so yea, good covering up. hmmm tmw's the second last day we'll have together as a class, gonna really miss the good times we had together as a class. even though some of us may be going our seperate ways, remember to keep in touch yea? =)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


hi jkhoo! guess who. wheee your layout's finally done! hope you like it :) well too bad tagboard's down now hmmm maybe i shall get a flooble chatterbox for u instead cos it'll match better! haha. but no time to do that now, i'm hungry! byebyeeeeeee

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Never knew i could feel like this
like I've never seen the sky before
want to vanish in side your kiss,
everyday i love you more and more
listen to my heart, can you hear it sing?
telling me to give you everything!
seasons may change winter to spring
but I love you until the end of time.

Come what may
come what may
I will love you, until my dying day.

suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
suddenly my life doesnt seem such a waste.
I know with arms around you.
and theres no mountain to high,
no river too wide.
sing out this song and ill be there by your side.
storm clouds may gather
and stars may collide
but i love you
until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you, until my dying day.

i guess the song says all i want to say to you at this point =)


man soccer today was PHYSICAL. so tired! man fabio really knows how to train a team. we were like sprinting from one penalty box to the other for five times, then playing possession football, then two-side, all under the hot Singapore sun. oh and dun forget the five rounds for warmup. man, and after the training match we did like ten thousand million sets of 20 pushups and 20 situps. and his counting is like one every one second. ack, haha but a lot of people cheated for the situps la, cos by the time we finish one he's counting two =p quite a few new people from other schools also joined training today, cos they most likely will be joining mj after first 3 months, so they decided to come for training first. yf afterwards, hope it's fun =)

Saturday, March 05, 2005

the first post ever!

hmmm... i think the title is quite self-explanatory la haha. well.. shall not write much now la, since it's just the first post =p haha my first time blogging, so please be kind!! =)