Friday, March 18, 2005

hmm today was interesting. supposed to meet my class at 11 at city hall, haha but as usual, everyone was late so most ppl came only like at 12... and jeevan, you stupid boy, called me at like 1130 saying 'oh sorry just on the way to school to drop something off then on the way to city hall' -_- oh well, that's jeevan for ya =p

while waiting for the rest, andrew decided to go find some wax samples cos he felt his hair wasn't nice enough and he didn't want to buy a whole new bottle, haha so we were just walking ard robinson's looking for hair wax samples =p then alexis called saying she reached already, so we started walking back to the mrt stop, and on the way we saw body shop. so andrew went in and voila! he found hair wax samples! haha so stupid just went in, dipped fingers into the container, and then came out =p

after that we went to suntec, to the food and beverage fair thingy, and tried a few free samples here and there, and bought ROTIBOY!!! yum yum... haha best man. then stupid jeevan, cos he was late, got lost in some bridal boutique fair cos it was just one floor below the food fair =p and he was wearing this sleeveless t-shirt thingy, looking like some super beng. haha we spent like five minutes just teasing him about his t.

we couldn't decide where to go for lunch, then at last we decided to go to thai express in citylink, but when we got there, there was a queue, and we didn't want to queue, so we walked back to suntec. then we just walked round and round the circle area deciding where to go. finally we parked ourselves outside subway. there was this kiddy ride just outside subway, so andrew alexis and i just sat down on it and pretended it was our ride =p FINALLY, we went to eat at country manna. haha stupid jeevan, i think he's never eaten there before, he asked why his coffee had this cap on top of it and he touched it, and almost immediately a loud 'AAAHH!!!' could be heard. turns out it wasn't his coffee, it was loko's soup, and the 'cap' was the pastry which country manna always puts on top of the soup =p

after lunch, some of us went to do cip. went to sell the handphone strap thingy, if anyone wants, i have a few with me, it's $4 for 1 =D i went to holland v to do, 'ang-mos' are really extreme man. those that give, give like 2-4 dollars. those that dun, just brush you off like you're dirt.

haha after cip, we went for dinner at ps, at ljs. the spicy chicken thingy they're having on offer now is not bad. after dinner we went to the arcade!! haha it was so stupid, playing the stupid bishi bashi thingy game, and jeevan was like whack whack whack. actually all of us were la =p man the arcade was just so stupid, had so much fun with the 'friendly competition' with my fellow classmates =p

tmw i meet my former tuition mates, promises to be just as fun =p


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